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Reforestation of waste dumps
Wolkem works committedelly towards leaving the eco-balance undisturbed and its mining operations promotes natural restoration of flora & fauna. The overburden that covers our mines is moved to designated waste dump areas and are then covered with top soil and re-vegetated with appropriate afforestation. When Wolkem began work in the 1970s there were less than 131 trees in the entire mining lease area. Today there are over a 100,000 trees & flowering plants, many of which are rare species, because of our this mining project and our implanting awareness to the local habitants huge forest has come up around our mining area. The Vraksh Vardhak (tree plantation) award from the Department of Forests of Rajasthan Govt., is testimony to Wolkem's commitment towards the protection of forest environment. These green land restoration efforts during the working of the mines ensure that, when the mines eventually close the mined out area converts into forest areas or parks. In fact, Wolkem's mines were one of the first few industrial mineral mines in India to achieve ISO14001 certification.

Dust emissions
Dust emissions are controlled using techniques like wetting the mine haul roads, covering stock piles to prevent wind blow. In the processing plants, dust is captured by high-efficiency filters. Continuous assessment and monitoring ensure dust levels are maintained below required levels. Noise levels are also regularly monitored. Wherever possible noisy machines are encased in a noise absorbing enclosure.

As our mining operations are located in the hilly terrain of country sides, we generate 100% power of our own. At Wolkem continuous research takes place to identify ways to increase the use of renewal energy and find ways to reduce the consumption of non renewal energy.

Though the use of water is very little, but where ever in our mining and production process water is used, the water containing solids such as mineral particles is channeled into sedimentation ponds to remove suspended particles prior to discharge and this treated water is either recycled back into the production circuit wherever possible or used for plantation or is released back into the rivers after meeting all appropriate quality standards. We also implement and propagate rain water harvesting.

Mineral conservation
As Wolkem realizes mineral reserves are finite, mineral conservation programs are held and techniques which ensure maximum mineral recovery is practiced . The rejects of the plant process are upgraded into saleable products, the mineral rejects at the mines are stocked piled separately and not mixed with the over burden and efforts are made to find technologies which can upgrade the quality.

These initiatives are monitored by an In House Environment Management Cell.


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